
4-Nitrophenol;Boilingpoint,279°C(534°F;552K);Solubilityinwater.10g/L(15°C)11.6g/L(20°C)16g/L(25°C);Acidity(pKa),7.15(inwater),.,*<1mg/mlmeansslightlysolubleorinsoluble.*PleasenotethatSelleckteststhesolubilityofallcompoundsin-house,andtheactualsolubilitymaydiffer ...,p-Nitrophenol.LinearFormula:O2NC6H4OH.CASNumber:100-02-7.MolecularWeight...solubility.ethanol:95%,clear,darkyellow(100mg/mL).Q...


4-Nitrophenol ; Boiling point, 279 °C (534 °F; 552 K) ; Solubility in water. 10 g/L (15 °C) 11.6 g/L (20 °C) 16 g/L (25 °C) ; Acidity (pKa), 7.15 (in water),.


* &lt;1 mg/ml means slightly soluble or insoluble. * Please note that Selleck tests the solubility of all compounds in-house, and the actual solubility may differ ...

4-Nitrophenol ReagentPlus , = 99 100-02

p-Nitrophenol. Linear Formula: O2NC6H4OH. CAS Number: 100-02-7. Molecular Weight ... solubility. ethanol: 95%, clear, dark yellow (100 mg/mL). Quality Level. 200.

4-Nitrophenol | 100-02

2023年4月23日 — 4-Nitrophenol is not steam volatile and is much more soluble in water (30 % at 100°C) than the ortho isomer. Uses. 4-Nitrophenol is used in ...

4-Nitrophenol | C6H5NO3

Soluble in hot water and more dense than water. CAMEO Chemicals. 12.8.2 Reactive Group.

ICSC 0066 - p

Solubility in water, g/100ml at 20°C: 1.24. Vapour pressure, Pa at 20°C: 0.0032. Flash point: 169°C Auto-ignition temperature: 490°C Octanol/water partition ...


Slightly soluble in water at room temperature (1.6%,250 deg C). Soluble in ethanol, chlorophenol, ether. Dissolved in caustic and alkali metal carbonate ...

Solubility of p

2014年6月13日 — p-Nitrophenol is actually modestly soluble in water at neutral pH (16 g/l at 25 °C) because of its weak acidity (pKa=7.16 at 22 °C) and the ...

Toxicological Profile for Nitrophenols

The nitrophenols are expected to be highly soluble in water. They also have low vapor pressures, and therefore, low potential for long range atmospheric ...